The Nurse Education & Training for IV Iron Infusions in IDA (NET) is an interactive learning program (available online or live) designed to stimulate clinical reflection through the sharing of evidence-based best practices, Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate their learning and also seek additional support through our ‘ask the expert’ functionality. The NET Program is designed by nurses for nurses in partnership with CITE: a not-for-profit clinician association affiliated with McMaster University.
This program has been accredited by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and has been through rigorous quality assessment to achieve nationwide recognition. Completing the modules will earn 3 CNA credits towards your continuing professional development.
This program, consisting of 3 modules, has been designed to provide information for nurses on Iron Deficiency (ID) and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA).
Module 1: Pathophysiology of ID and IDA
Module 2: Treatment Options for IDA
Module 3: Administration and Management of IV Iron for IDA

Michelle Sholzberg, MDCM, MSc, FRCPC (Toronto, ON), co-chair
Shamshah Aratia, NP (Toronto, ON), co-chair
Anne Bialachowski, BN, MS (Hamilton, ON)
Alana Bourke, RPhT (Scarborough, ON)
Noah Ivers, MD, PhD, CCFP (Toronto, ON)
Corrina Johnstone, BScN (Regina, SK)
Andrea Lausman, MD, FRCSC (Toronto, ON)
Wendy Lim, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Hamilton, ON)
Patricia Robitaille, RN, MSc (Longueuil, QC)
Becky Rock, RN (Calgary, AB)
Lindsay Tascona, BScN (Halifax, NS)